Deputy Minister: We are currently working on three corridors

Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Samir Valiyev

© APA | Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Samir Valiyev

# 27 May 2024 11:41 (UTC +04:00)

One of the main issues ahead of us is the construction of the necessary infrastructure for the export of green energy produced in Azerbaijan to European countries, Deputy Minister of Energy Samir Valiyev said during the COP29 and the Green World Solidarity Year conference held today, APA reports.

He noted that currently works are being carried out on three corridors:

"The first direction is the Caspian-Black Sea-Europe Green Energy Corridor, the second direction is the Zangazur Corridor, and the third direction is the export of green energy resources from Central Asian countries to Europe."

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