Azerbaijani President: "We all want peace in the world, in the region" - PHOTO

Azerbaijani President: "We all want peace in the world, in the region" - <span style="color: red;">PHOTO
# 23 April 2013 21:08 (UTC +04:00)

The President noted that important and actual topic is discussed at the conference and it is the indicator of the relationship, brotherhood, mutual support, unity of purpose among the nations: "We all want peace in the world, in our region - in the Caucasus, no wars, no suffering people. Once again I want to say that the theme correctly was selected: "Muslims for Peace. We all want peace. All aspire to it."

The President noted that these activities are already an accomplished format of cooperation based on common roots, history and common goals.

Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office Sheikh-ul-Islam Pashazade expressed his appreciation to President: "The fact that today you received us, is another indicator of your attitude to religion and spirituality."

A. Pashazade recalled that one of the first steps of Heydar Aliyev after electing president was visiting to the Tezepir mosque eve of the birthday of the Prophet. "You construct mosques and churches in Azerbaijan and beyond. This is particularly emphasized by the religious leaders, who come to Baku. Azerbaijan is developing rapidly both in material and spiritual terms. We are proud of our President, our Azerbaijan. This conference in Baku and the election of my second five-year term of the chairman of the Advisory Council of the CIS Muslims are an indication of the high respect and esteem for you and against Azerbaijan. We - leaders of different religions together we want to use our experience in the name of peace and brotherhood. We visited Umrah. Next to the grave of the Prophet everything we read a prayer for the repose of the soul of Heydar Aliyev and Zarifa Aliyeva, I read the Koran."

Pashazadeh said that the event in Baku, Azerbaijan, was proof attached to the values ​​and respect for him.

The Mufti of Karachay-Cherkessia Republic of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Coordination Council of Muslims in the North Caucasus, Ismail Berdiyev said that they arrived in Baku on the eve of the 90th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev, whom they greatly respect and pride in Soviet times: "In these places, we read the Koran, offered up prayers for the repose of the souls of your father, your mother. God forbid that they were in another world destined to live in paradise. As for you, then all that you do, you do, too, for the sake of the people. And you have belief the heart. Inshallah Allah will help you! "

President Ilham Aliyev noted the importance of regular contacts and regular meetings of religious leaders: "We are always together and fellowship. I highly appreciate and your role and, of course, the role of the sheikh, as a man who has great credibility in the Muslim world."

Speaking about the importance of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and mutual trust in the background taking place in the world of complex processes, President Ilham Aliyev said: "Unfortunately, despite our best efforts in the world are anxious processes. There is an anti-Islamic propaganda, Islam phobia. No matter how much we try, anyway, and in the media, these terms are used. Terrorists are called Islamists. A terrorist has no nationality or religion. "

Noting that Azerbaijan is at the state level, the constant attention paid to the strengthening of national and spiritual values, made important steps in the restoration and preservation of the religious and historical monuments, President Ilham Aliyev said that Azerbaijan is also actively involved in the restoration and construction of churches outside the country, belonging to different religions, and this work will continue in the future.

Speaking about the restoration of the oldest mosques in Azerbaijan - Juma Mosque in Shamakhi, the President said: "This is a historic mosque. It is the oldest mosque in Azerbaijan, built in 743. It was destroyed by earthquakes. When Shamakhi injured, capital city changed to Baku. Then, in the twentieth century, it was subjected to Armenian vandalism, was burned by Armenians. This is all documented. 1918 - This is a tough year for our people. Then destroyed thousands of Azerbaijanis in Baku, and in Shamakhi and Guba, and in other regions. We are restoring all of our historical and religious sites, cherish them, cherish them, and we will work together for the benefit of our peoples. "

The Mufti of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation, Sultan Mirzayev also noted the importance of a conference in Baku. It is regarded as a significant event that, in the event, along with representatives of the CIS countries, for the first time attended by representatives of other countries.

The Mufti of Chechnya said that Baku has become the venue for important international events, expressed confidence that this conference will also provide effective results. Then he talked about the influence that spiritual formation of young people has on the overall development of society, "When Heydar Aliyev came to power in Azerbaijan was a very difficult time. He assembled the people, he put his feet on Azerbaijan, have you the way. Thank you, you're going down this road, and all develop, protect, complement. "

Speaking of the established stability in Chechnya, Sultan Mirzayev said: "Today in Chechnya - peace and stability. It plays a very important role in the North Caucasus. And all the muftis of the North Caucasus region will confirm this."

President Ilham Aliyev noted that the basis of society is the moral and ethical principle: "If we lose, then society will not. Then we lose the foundation. We have kept since religion and language and literature, and art, since independence has strengthened this position. And young people should be brought up in the national spirit. Young people should be educated. "

Ahmad Tamim, Mufti of Ukraine, referring to the contribution made by Azerbaijan manifested concern about tolerance, faith and spiritual values ​​to the overall development of society, expressed appreciation for the assistance of Azerbaijan in the construction of the first mosque in Kyiv.

Serbian Mufti Muhammad Yusifpahich stressed that feels a sense of satisfaction from the fact that in Azerbaijan there is peace and tranquility. Noting that informed about the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, he said: "In respect of Azerbaijan was and is an injustice. Together with Nagorno Karabakh 20 percent of the country is under occupation. "

Serbian Mufti thanked the Azerbaijani President for his help in the restoration of the mosque in Belgrade, one of the oldest historical monuments of the country, as well as in the repair of the Orthodox Church.

The next speaker, President of the World Islamic Mission, the authorized representative of the Caucasian Muslims Office in Moscow Shafig Pshihachev said it's their second conference: "The first conference was held in Moscow in 2009. Now we come to Baku. It is a place that blessed city is not by chance was determined the conference venue. I join my colleagues saying, brothers who say that, indeed, Baku today is becoming a center of Islamic civilization. This is your good will, it is your awareness. Thank you very much. And we pray to the Almighty Allah that he helped and gave you a success. "

President Ilham Aliyev wished the members of the Advisory Board success in the future, expansion of cooperation in the framework of the structure.

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