13 people suspected of attacking office of SOCAR Türkiye were detained -VIDEO

13 people suspected of attacking office of SOCAR Türkiye were detained -VIDEO
# 03 June 2024 14:49 (UTC +04:00)

The persons suspected of attacking office of SOCAR Türkiye were detained, APA reports citing Turkish media.

It was noted that 13 members of the “1000 Youth for Palestine” movement were detained.

It is reported that the affidavits from the detained persons will be taken, and they will be handed over to the judicial authorities tomorrow.

It should be noted that a few days ago SOCAR's office in Istanbul was attacked. As for the reason for this, "SOCAR sells oil to Israel" was allegedly used as an excuse.

SOCAR Türkiye commented on the accusations regarding the sale of crude oil to Israel by disseminating information. In its statement, the company called the accusations in this regard groundless.

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