Hungarian FM: If Armenia is to receive $10 million in aid from the European Peace Facility, the same should be done for Azerbaijan as well

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations of Hungary Peter Szijártó

© APA | Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations of Hungary Peter Szijártó

# 05 June 2024 14:22 (UTC +04:00)

“Hungary will assume the presidency of the European Union starting from July 1. We will strive to ensure that peace and cooperation prevail among states,” Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary said at a joint press conference on the results of the 2nd meeting of Azerbaijan-Hungary Strategic Dialogue, APA reports.

" We believe that if Armenia is to receive $10 million in aid from the European Peace Facility, the same should be done for Azerbaijan as well," Péter Szijjártó added.

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