Assistant to President: France's policy towards the South Caucasus is harmful

Hikmet Hajiyev,  Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration

© APA | Hikmet Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration

# 19 June 2024 11:20 (UTC +04:00)

"We do not consider France's policy in the South Caucasus effective. It is a harmful policy because it does not contribute in any way to advancing the peace agenda in the South Caucasus region," Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev said during an interview with journalists, APA reports.

Hajiyev emphasized that France's policy of militarization in the region poses a serious threat, particularly at a time when Azerbaijan and Armenia are engaged in normalization processes. He highlighted that France's actions seriously undermine the normalization process in the light of the delimitation of borders on April 19, the previous joint statement by the two countries' supreme bodies, and the serious steps towards peace-oriented transformation of the South Caucasus region: "This is a serious blow to the normalization process. At the same time, it is a step that could serve to embolden revanchist forces within Armenia. Therefore, France's provision of attack-oriented, lethal weapons to Armenia and the expansion of Armenia-France military cooperation are the developments causing deep concern. We believe that as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, France should pursue a more responsible policy.

There is a clear approach in international relations that imposes various restrictions on militarization and arms buildup programs of states that were engaged in occupation and aggression. It must be noted that Armenia is such a state in the South Caucasus region. Therefore, the rearming and militarization of an occupying and aggressive state cannot be considered responsible under any circumstances."

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