Orban: Hungary is only EU country whose citizens live in Ukraine and die in Ukrainian conflict

Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary

© APA | Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary

# 05 June 2024 10:22 (UTC +04:00)

"You know that there is a Hungarian minority in Ukraine. Many of them are called upon to fight on the side of the Ukrainian troops. They fight and die. And therefore, Hungary is the only EU country whose citizens living on Ukrainian territory die during this conflict", Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in an interview with the Italian publication Il Giornale, APA reports.

Orban had in mind primarily the Hungarians (including those with a Hungarian passport) of Transcarpathia, who did not manage to get abroad and who were being mobilized into the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Kyiv regime.

According to Viktor Orban, this is also why official Budapest opposes the escalation of the conflict and supplies weapons.

Orban: Imagine that we will supply weapons, as, for example, Italy does. And imagine that we allow Ukraine to strike Russian territory. This will cause a strong reaction from Russia. And we will all be one step away from NATO intervention.

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, Hungary is not going to take such risks.

Viktor Orban also criticized the EU's strategy on Ukraine. According to the head of the Hungarian Cabinet, this strategy consists of only one thing: “playing with fire.”

Orban: The EU has no strategic interest in this. Therefore, we need to call for a ceasefire and the end of the conflict. Society wants peace, not war.

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