EU High Representative defends Ukraine's right to attack Russia

EU High Representative defends Ukraine
# 28 May 2024 18:39 (UTC +04:00)

Ukraine has the right to attack targets in Russia and it is necessary to balance fears of a general escalation of the war with the Ukrainian need to defend itself, said the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (EU), Josep Borrell on Tuesday (05/28/2024), APA reports citing Deutsche Welle.

"You have to balance the risk of escalation and the need for Ukrainians to defend themselves," the diplomat said before the start of a meeting of EU defense ministers.

"According to the law of war, it is perfectly possible and there is no contradiction. I could retaliate or fight against the one who attacks me from his territory," he said.

Borrell's statement was supported this Tuesday by several other ministers in Brussels. Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said the Netherlands had no restrictions on the use of weapons transferred by Europe on Russian territory, and that she hoped that "countries that have different positions will change."

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