COP29 Lead Negotiator: Communities continue to suffer from the negative impacts of climate change

Yalchin Rafiyev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Lead Negotiator of COP29

© APA | Yalchin Rafiyev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Lead Negotiator of COP29

# 19 June 2024 13:32 (UTC +04:00)

World communities continue to suffer from ongoing impacts of climate change, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Lead Negotiator of COP29, Yalchin Rafiyev said during his speech at the 29th High-Level Meeting themed “Pathway to COP29: Sustainable and Resilient Future” held in Baku, APA reports.

He underscored that the international community has not fulfilled its obligations under the Paris Agreement to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius: "Looking at statistics and numbers, according to the World Meteorological Organization's data, the year 2023 was the hottest on record. Record temperatures have been recorded, and we cannot expect this trend to improve in the near future," he noted.

Lead Negotiator of COP29 stated that he has recently traveled to island countries to prepare for the climate conference: "You can feel how important it is for the temperature limit to be 1.5 degrees in these countries. These people are truly facing existential challenges."

Yalchin Rafiyev stated that as host, Azerbaijan should present a platform to parties: "Thus, we should create additional opportunities for parties to come together. Until now, up to COP 29, we have increased our ambitions. Now parties are requesting and insisting that there should be means to implement those ambitions. If we expect the parties to present their new, more ambitious indices next February, we must provide them with funding. This financing should not be limited to state finances alone; the private sector should also contribute financially."

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