Russian MFA: Armenia's withdrawal from CSTO is not on agenda

Russian MFA: Armenia
# 01 February 2024 10:26 (UTC +04:00)

The matter of Armenia’s withdrawal from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is not on the agenda, said Viktor Vasiliev, representative of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the CSTO to RİA Novosti, APA reports.

According to him, today, CSTO’s attention is focused on the implementation of the decisions of the Collective Security Council which was held in November 2023 and bloc’s all states participate in this matter.

Responding to the question about Yerevan not participating in CSTO’s events, the diplomat noted that even under pressure, it was Armenian leadership’s choice.

“This situation, in many ways, is the result of both Westerners’ pressure and the understandable emotions of the Armenian leadership and its people,” he noted.

Vasiliev said that he hopes for the voice of reason to prevail over emotions sooner or later. According to him, Armenia’s security in the military-technical field is not possible without cooperation in the CSTO.

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