FM Ararat Mirzoyan corrects Armenian PM Pashinyan's statements on CSTO

Ararat Mirzoyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Jeyhun Bayramov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

© APA | Ararat Mirzoyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Jeyhun Bayramov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

# 12 June 2024 18:49 (UTC +04:00)

“Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan did not say that our country will withdraw from the Collective Security Treaty Organization, but that we can make a decision on this matter whenever we want,” said Ararat Mirzoyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia during his speech at parliament, APA reports citing

“If someone thinks that Nikol Pashinyan spoke in this context, they are mistaken. This can be proved very easily. The prime minister simply said that if our country has to withdraw from the membership of the organization, it will not return again,” – Mirzoyan concluded his views like this.

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