Armenian Speaker talks possibility of arms deal with Russia

Alen Simonyan, the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament

© APA | Alen Simonyan, the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament

# 22 December 2023 14:29 (UTC +04:00)

"New agreements in the field of military-technical cooperation with Russia may be concluded. I do not exclude it,” Alen Simonyan, the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, said as he commented on Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopyrkin’s statements about new agreements in the sphere of military-technical cooperation in an interview with TASS, APA reports.

Armenian speaker also touched upon Armenia-Russia relations: “There is no anti-Russian mood in Armenia. There is antipathy towards the policy implemented (by the Armenian leadership – ed.) and the steps taken. I’m asking you to not make an anti-Russian background out of this,” said the speaker accusing several media organizations of fueling an anti-Russian rhetoric.

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