Armenian PM: We have solved 60% of problems related to Armenia's statehood as result of delimitation process

Armenian PM: We have solved 60% of problems related to Armenia
# 22 May 2024 18:05 (UTC +04:00)

We have solved 60% of the problems related to Armenia's statehood as a result of the delimitation process, the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said in his speech in the parliament, APA reports citing Armenian media.

He also showed MPs the map on which the delimitation of borders with Azerbaijan is based.

The government leader of Armenia said that the map dating back to 1976 was approved by the Cartographic Committee of the USSR at the time, and was used by the Armed Forces Headquarters. He also disagreed with the allegations that his country faced territorial losses during the delimitation process in the direction of Tavush and evaluated this process as a success.

“I would call that a success. Because for the first time in the history of Armenia, it defines its borders through negotiations and thereby lays the foundation for sovereignty, statehood and future development," Pashinyan concluded his thoughts.

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