Member of New Caledonia Parliament addressed a protest appeal regarding French President's visit

Member of New Caledonia Parliament addressed a protest appeal regarding French President
# 22 May 2024 15:59 (UTC +04:00)

The member of Parliament of New Caledonia, chairperson of “Progressive Multicultural New Caledonia” political organization Maria Isabella Saliga-Lutovica has sent an appeal (20240521-22-NCMCP MARIA ISABELLA SALIGA LUTOVIKA_1716378631.pdf) to French President Emmanuel Macron protesting the latter's visit to New Caledonia, APA reports.

The letter states that Macron's illegal decision on the expansion of the electoral mass caused anger among the Kanak people, and French high officials treated the Kanak people's rightful demand for decolonization with contempt and arrogance.

It is emphasized that with this approach, France wants to maintain the "colonial status quo" of New Caledonia.

Maria Isabella notes that although Macron thinks he will go down in French history as the president who constitutionalized the recolonization of New Caledonia, Caledonians will not agree with being the victim of an overreaching and bizarre ego political game.

She states that France and especially Emmanuel Macron are responsible for the tragedy in New Caledonia, in this regard, she draws attention to the murdered Kanaks.

Ms. Saliga-Lutovika, emphasizing that young Kanaks were killed by militias organized with the support of the French government, and that these militias were supported by French law enforcement agencies, noted that these militias have created racial hostility in the country.

Stating that the "Collective of Victims of May 2024 Riots in New Caledonia" has been created for Kanaks who have suffered as a result of the current tragedy, the MP emphasizes that compensation will be demanded from the French State.

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