Russia’s top security official discusses bilateral cooperation with Iranian counterpart

Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu

© APA | Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu

# 28 May 2024 16:40 (UTC +04:00)

Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu has held a phone conversation with Ali Akbar Ahmadian, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), the Russian Security Council said, APA reports citing TASS.

They "discussed prospects for further cooperation between Russia and Iran in the security sphere," the Council said in a statement.

This was Shoigu’s first conversation with his Iranian counterpart in the role of Russia’s top security official. Shoigu earlier met with Ahmadian as Russia’s defense chief.

The IRIB TV channel said that the Russian Security Council secretary also offered his condolences to Iran’s top security official over the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and a number of senior Iranian officials in a recent helicopter crash. Moscow and Tehran will continue their high-level cooperation in various fields, Shoigu emphasized.

He also sent Ahmadian a message of condolences soon after the accident while expressing readiness to help in the investigation.

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