China hit by deadly flooding and extreme heat at same time

China hit by deadly flooding and extreme heat at same time
# 17 June 2024 13:20 (UTC +04:00)

Large parts of China have been put on alert for extreme weather as sweltering heat threatens drought in the north while at the same time, southern regions have been battered by heavy rain and flooding, APA reports citing DW.

State television reported on Monday that flooding in the southern province of Guangxi had caused total economic damage of around 329 million yuan ($45 million, €42 million) after it blocked transport routes and impacted homes and crops.

Farmland in Fujian province has already suffered direct losses of around $225 million across 12,350 hectares.

The capital Beijing has issued its second-highest heat warning, with temperatures expected to exceed 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday.

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