Madonna accused of trafficking and exploiting African children by charity

Madonna, US superstar

© APA | Madonna, US superstar

# 11 January 2023 00:22 (UTC +04:00)

US superstar Madonna has been accused of being involved in the human trafficking and sexual exploitation of African children by the charity group Ethiopian World Federation (EWF), APA reports citing Sputnik.

EWF petitioned Malawi’s President Lazarus Chakwera to investigate a non-profit set up by the 'Queen of Pop' in 2006 called Raising Malawi which reportedly seeks to help orphans in the country. Madonna herself has adopted four Malawian children.

In the petition, the EWF asked the president to restrict her and her associates’ “accessibility to Africa and to African children as a precautionary measure until a thorough investigation is done into child trafficking, sex exploitation, sexual slavery, adoption reversal, threat of coercion, fraud, deception and abuse of power or vulnerability."

The group claims that Madonna set up Raising Malawi to “host social experiments on vulnerable African children," suggesting that her decision stems from the "psychology behind her ability to release child pornography, religious imagery, bestiality and vulgar pornography.”
