CMO Chairman talks about possibility of meeting with Armenian religious leader

Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office

© APA | Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office

# 27 September 2023 17:38 (UTC +04:00)

Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office (CMO) Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazade has spoken about the possibility of meeting with the Armenian religious leader, APA reports.

He stated that meeting with Garegin II, Catholicos of all Armenians is not possible yet.

"It is not clear whether we will meet with the religious leader of Armenia or not. We have always met through the Patriarch Kirill of Russia. However, because of the Armenian religious leader's revanchism policy and his call on Armenians to confrontation, our meeeting is not possible yet. His actions do not allow our meeting to be held," Allahshukur Pashazade stressed.

However, the Chairman of the CMO did not rule out the possibility of meeting with Garegin II in the future. According to him, the meeting can take place if the Armenian religious leader abandons the policy of revanchism.
