"UN Development Program will develop a roadmap with ANAMA, which contains the next stages of cooperation," Sukhrob Khojimatov, UNDP Officer-in-Charge in Azerbaijan told journalists, APA-Economics reports.
According to him, many appeals are now received from several countries regarding the cooperation and the UNDP tries to reflect these cooperations on the roadmap taking into consideration these interests.
"While speaking the roadmap, certainly, ANAMA's role here is the conduction of mine clearance works by using more modern technologies, more modern standards. Because mine clearance works in traditional ways, previous methods have less effectiveness. Modern methods accelerate it. As you know, ANAMA already uses drones and applies digital technologies. There will be a roadmap that will reflect all of these and it will enable ANAMA to carry out larger-scale demining operations in terms of quality," noted Sukhrob Khojimatov.