Nepal's Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal named three ministers, including one each from two opposition parties, in a new coalition on Monday, dumping the centrist Nepali Congress party which had dominated his previous government, APA reports citing Reuters.
Dahal, a former Maoist guerrilla leader in the mountain nation lying between China and India, formed a coalition cabinet including the Nepali Congress and other smaller groups last year.
But his Maoist Centre party, which is the third biggest group in the 275-member parliament, had criticised the Nepali Congress for not giving him free hand and putting "hurdles" to removing some ministers with whom he was not satisfied.
Dahal named a three-member cabinet including one minister each from the new coalition partners - the Communist Party of Nepal (UML) and the Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP). The third minister is from his own Maoist Centre party.
No portfolio was allocated to any minister for now.
President Ram Chandra Paudel administered the oath of office to the new ministers, a presidential statement said.