Alex Rodriguez’s Wife to File for Divorce

Alex Rodriguez’s Wife to File for Divorce
# 07 July 2008 14:13 (UTC +04:00)
Baku. Ulkar Gasimova-APA. Cynthia Rodriguez is set to file for divorce from husband of six years, Alex Rodriguez.
Her attorney, Earle Lilly, confirmed that she will be filing papers in Miami this morning.
She says, “I’m sure you’ve heard rumors of the relationship he’s had with Madonna - that’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. She’s been fighting these terrible, demonic problems for two years and they don’t go away.”
Lilly adds, “You’re not going to see a lot of other relationships named. The papers are designed not to be horrible, vitriolic, or create negative feelings, but just to put it out on the table and get this lady through a very troubled period in her life.” Lilly says that the mother of two is devastated by the events leading up to her decision to leave her husband.
Madonna lives with his husband Guy Ritchie in New-York and these relations have not influenced on her family. .