The Children's Paralympic Committee (CPC), which has been operating with the support of Azercell since 2014, has continued its activities during the pandemic period, Azercell told APA-Economics.
In 2020, the coaches of the committee held virtual trainings and worked with children online, which helped to keep young athletes active and prevent them from depression.
Despite the restrictions, the committee opened regional branches in 2020, namely in Lankaran, Agjabadi, Ganja and Gusar. The branches have already begun working with children who are members of the committee on these regions.
Due to the cancellation of all mass events in our country amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the traditional final competition among young Paralympians did not take place last year. However, the funds allocated for the organization of the Children's Paralympic Games were directed to the purchase of new sports equipment for children - high-quality balls for boccia athletes.
One of the novelties in the activities of the Children's Paralympic Committee in 2020 was the inclusion of winter sports, namely alpine skiing and snowboarding for children. It should be noted that until now, the Children's Paralympic Committee held training camps in 8 kinds of sports, including judo, swimming, para-taekwondo, powerlifting, boccia, handball, table tennis and wheelchair dancing.
The committee also established a "Parents' Club" consisting of parents to attract more athletes to the Children's Paralympic Games.
In 2020, about 40 more children with disabilities joined the CPC. In general, more than 160 children and adolescents with disabilities have been actively involved in mass sports events, local and international competitions in 10 kinds of sports for more than 7 years.
It should be noted that the Children's Paralympic Committee was established in 2013 for the first time in international practice under the National Paralympic Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Committee promotes the integration of children with disabilities into society through habilitation and rehabilitation. By supporting this important mission, Azercell Telecom LLC contributes to ensuring the physical health and development of children in our country.