Armenian military post which was destroyed by Azerbaijani border guards on conventional border -PHOTO-VIDEO

Armenian military post which was destroyed by Azerbaijani border guards on conventional border -PHOTO -VIDEO
# 14 February 2024 11:23 (UTC +04:00)

On February 13, the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan carried out a "Revenge" operation in response to the provocation committed by the Armenian Armed Forces.

As a result of the operation, the combat post near the Nerkin-And settlement of Gafan district, where Azerbaijani serviceman was shot, was destroyed and the combat positions were silenced.

APA presents the footage of an Armenian military post getting destroyed by Azerbaijani border guards at the conventional border.

It is reported that there are serious casualties among the personnel of the destroyed combat post of the Armenian Army.

The Armenian side released information about the death of its 4 soldiers and one injured.

It seems from the observations that service has not been restored at the Armenian post destroyed by the Azerbaijani border guards yet.

Note that as a result of the fire opened by the Armenian side, a serviceman of Azerbaijan’s SBS was injured, and his condition is okay, his treatment is ongoing.
