Sarkozy moves to boost his salary

Sarkozy moves to boost his salary
# 07 November 2007 10:52 (UTC +04:00)
Public discomfort over Sarkozy’s raise may be accentuated by its timing. In just three weeks, the nation is set to undergo strikes potentially more paralyzing than those in October protesting cutbacks in certain public sector pension regimes.
He is moving to increase his presidential salary by nearly 172%.The budget amendment would increase Sarkozy’s monthly pay from its current level of € 8,500 or € 101,488 per year, to around € 19,000 pensions and bonuses excluded. Despite the hefty raise, Claude Gueant, Elysee Palace’s secretary general said that Sarkozy still did not earn as much as US President George W Bush, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown./APA/
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