Viktor Yuschenko: “Party of Regions must take a post in the parliament and government”

Viktor Yuschenko: “Party of Regions must take a post in the parliament and government”
# 04 October 2007 09:32 (UTC +04:00)
The pro-Russia Regions Ukraine received 34.3 per cent of the vote, the anti-corruption Block of Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT) 30.76 per cent, and the nationalist Our Ukraine National Self Defense (OUNSD) 14.19 per cent in the poll, with 99.55 per cent of ballots counted.
Two smaller parties, the Marxist Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) and the unaligned Party of Voldymyr Livtin, received 5.38 per cent and 3.96 per cent respectively.
International monitors pronounced the vote free and fair. Compared to previous elections, there have been practically no accusations of significant vote-fixing by the parties involved.
Yuschenko’s call for all but the CPU to consider forming a ruling coalition together runs directly against post-election declarations of the number two BYuT and number three OUNSD that they would form a bilateral coalition without third partners.
Yushchenko in addition is the titular leader of OUNSD, and a long-time political foe of the Regions Ukraine leader Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich.
The two ‘pro-Democracy’ parties, BYuT and OUNSD, have just sufficient votes to form a ruling majority, as they are on track to receive a collective 229 seats in Ukraine’s 450-seat parliament.
Past Ukrainian legislatures however have failed to function effectively unless the majority is substantially more than 50 per cent, as MPs regularly vote against the policies of the political parties on whose ticket they were elected to office.
The result has been long-term political stalemate, and periodic constitutional crisis.
The need for a government representing the interests of a wide population, rather than just more than barely half, was the reason Regions - a party supporting government assistance to heavy industry and closer relations with Russia - should at least participate in coalition negotiations as well, Yushchenko said.
The main goals of the new government should be passing a national budget, pushing through constitutional reforms, and developing a coherent national energy policy, among other priorities, Yushchenko said, in a short statement.
All participants in the coalition should refrain from pursuing personal goals, and ‘focus on the national priorities,’ he said. /APA/
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