Party of the Regions ahead in vote count

Party of the Regions ahead in vote count
# 01 October 2007 17:28 (UTC +04:00)
A close result would again mean long talks on forming a coalition government.
Yanukovich, the presidents rival from 2004, dismissed the “Orange” declaration of victory as groundless. He said his party would be declared the winner when the count was complete.
Ukraine’s pro-Western President Viktor Yushchenko ordered an investigation into vote counting on Monday after rival Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich drew ahead in a parliamentary election called to end long political crisis.
The ex-Soviet state’s Western leaning “orange” opposition, allied to Yushchenko, had claimed victory in Sunday’s election on the basis of exit polls and early returns.
But Yanukovich’s Regions Party surged past the bloc of ex-premier Yulia Tymoshenko with more than three quarters of the vote counted.
President Viktor Yushchenko, the prime minister’s arch rival from the time of the “Orange Revolution” protests that thrust him to power in 2004, ordered an immediate investigation into delays in vote counting in the prime minister’s strongholds.
“I am concerned by the delayed vote count in eastern and southern Ukraine,” a somber Yushchenko said in a televised address to the nation.
“I order law enforcement bodies to start an immediate investigation into the causes and circumstances of delayed vote count reports from polling stations.”
Yushchenko did not mention any of his political adversaries by name, but warned that “those who commit fraud will be punished. Do not call into question the law and your own fate.”/APA/
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