Sanctions on Transnistrian separatists extended

Sanctions on Transnistrian separatists extended
# 23 February 2007 13:37 (UTC +04:00)
Transnistrian separatists were denied to enter Europe for one more year, APA’s bureau reports.
EU Council of Ministers extended the sanctions against Transnistrian leaders to entrance to and transit of the EU territory. President of false republic Igor Smirnov, as well as other officials is denied to enter the territory by 27 February 2008. These sanctions were imposed for the first time in 2003 on 17 transdniestrian officials and are extended annually. In this way the EU intends to aid international community to solve problem in Transnistria. Several people accused of intimidation and closure of Transnistria-situated Moldovan schools using Latin script were included in the list.
As a response Tiraspol separatist leaders banned 14 Moldovan officials to enter Transnistrian territory. They didn’t allow Moldovan minister Vasili Shova to watch an international match in stadium Sherif in Tiraspol 2004. /APA/
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