Serbia rejects Ahtisaari plan

Serbia rejects Ahtisaari plan
# 15 February 2007 15:30 (UTC +04:00)
Serbia’s new parliament rejected a U.N. plan which was drafted by U.N. envoy Martti Ahtisaari that would give virtual independence to the breakaway province of Kosovo, APA reports. The 250-member parliament voted 225-15 to reject the plan proposed by the government. The decision of the parliament says that Ahtisaari plan can not solve the conflict.
The document notes that the external proposals can result negative in the solution of the conflict. Serbian parliament considers that Kosovo’s independence will violate stability in the region and can create dangerous precedent for settlement she territorial conflicts.
Draft envisages giving limited sovereignty to internationally supervised Kosovo and self-rule for Serbians living in province. Not only Serbs, but also Kosovo Albanians reject this conception. /APA/
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