Dec 13 declared national holiday in Rumania

Dec 13 declared national holiday in Rumania
# 29 November 2006 16:33 (UTC +04:00)
Rumanian parliament declared Dec 13 a national holiday of Tatars, APA’s bureau reports.
This was the initiative of Ahmed Aleddin, the deputy of the Parliament. The holiday will be officially celebrated on the support of the state. Dec 13, 1917 is the date of adoption of Tatars’ first constitution in Crimea, as well as the day of Republic.
Nugman Chelebi and other intelligentsias ruled the state for a short period. But it was ruined in result of invasion by the Red Army. The leaders were killed. One of the ministers Suleyman Sulkevich took a refuge in Azerbaijan and headed Azerbaijani Armed Forces.
At present, 24 000 Crimean Tatars were registered in Rumania in 2002. /APA/
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