Press council holds scientific-practical conference

Press council holds scientific-practical conference
# 04 November 2006 11:15 (UTC +04:00)
The chief of Press Council Aflatun Amashov said that they organize the conference on this topic for the first time, thoughts and ideas will be systematized. The chief said that the council got nearly 1000 complaints and considered 800 of them. Amashov stated that most of complains are about the language of press. The chief of language commission at Press Council, Professor Kamil Veli Nerimanoglu said the literature played an important role in the development of Azerbaijani language in 60s, but in 90s press is important.
“The newspapers are published without any proofreader, today,� he said.
Nerimanoglu said that this commission was established in 2001 and the work of the commission should be considered again./APA/