Special concert programs organized on inauguration of cultural year “Baku-Islamic Culture Capital 2009”

Special concert programs organized on inauguration of cultural year “Baku-Islamic Culture Capital 2009”
# 18 February 2009 16:58 (UTC +04:00)
Baku. Ulkar Gasimova–APA. A special concert program on inauguration of cultural year “Baku-Islamic Culture Capital 2009” was organized opposite the Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami, APA reports.
State Song Theatre named after Behbudov, State Dance Ensemble and several popular art figures performed.
Fireworks will be organized on the inauguration of the cultural year “Baku-Islamic Culture Capital 2009” at the end of the concert.
There are also concerts in the National Park and opposite the Puppet Theatre named after Abdulla Shaig.
Events on opening ceremony of the cultural year will continue tomorrow as well.