"The observation mission was invited by the government of Azerbaijan. So far, the OHCHR has carried out an observation mission in Azerbaijan 13 times, the last monitoring was carried out in February during the early presidential elections," Ditmir Bushati, the head of the ODIHR observation mission, said at a press conference on the opening of the observation mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) observers to the early elections to the Milli Majlis to be held in Azerbaijan, APA reports.
He said that they were registered with the Central Election Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and had meetings.
Expressing his gratitude for the cooperation, D. Busati emphasized that the OSCE consists of 57 members, that these countries have undertaken obligations related to basic human freedoms and fundamental rights, and one of these obligations is inviting the ODIHR to monitor the election process.
"Our main team has 11 international members and they represent 11 OSCE countries. The members of the main team will work in Baku in the next few weeks and observe the preparations for the election. We also have a security and procurement support team. Members of the main team in Baku will visit other regions of Azerbaijan. Next week - on August 6, 28 observers will come to Azerbaijan. They will conduct long-term observation at the regional level," he said.
The head of the observation mission added that 280 short-term observers applied for participation in the process: "These observers will participate in the process and vote counting from the election day.
A mission from the OSCE will also come to be part of the foreign observation mission.
We will carry out our mission according to established principles. Our mission observe the election process and preparation for it, and we publish the results in our report. At the end of the election, we will announce our initial conclusions.
After the selection process is completed, a final report will be published within a few months, in which we will also present our recommendations. We will carry out our mission in a transparent manner."